The Model FSAS-12H three-function monoblock features a unique two star wheel design that gives you the flexibility to isolate specific functions as needed.
It’s a combination liquid filling,stoppering, and aluminum sealing system designed for applications in pharmaceutical, biological, and diagnostic facilities. Versatile and operator- friendly. 5-minute changeover with the ChaseLock® option.
A variety of innovative features make Chase-Logeman’s Model FSAS-12H monoblock extremely flexible. Production rates up to 70 vials/minute, depending on fiII size. Two star wheels separate functions for greater control. The sealing operation,which handles 13 mm to 30 mm seals, is performed on a second star wheel to separate it from the filling and stoppering operation which reduces the chance of particulate contamination of open vials in the filling area.
The sealing area can be further isolated by installing a Lexan barrier between the filling and stoppering area and the sealing area.
Features such as no-vial/no-fill, no-vial/no-stopper, no-vial/no-seal, and no-stopper/no-seal/no-crimp modes are standard. For continuous or intermittent integrated tare/gross check weighing, ChaseWeigh™ is available as an option. The sealing operation can be deactivated when partially inserting stoppers for freeze drying. Similarly, the filling and stoppering sections can be deactivated if sealing is the only function to be done.